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Updated: Oct 1, 2020

International Tarot Day 2017

Janet Boyer, a known author, blogger, professional Tarot reader, announced recently the first International Tarot Day which will be on July 8th. I can not even describe how excited I am! To quote her, 'Nobody "owns" this. It's a decentralized effort - -a gathering Tarot enthusiasts from all over the globe to celebrate the cards.'

I am definitely in!

The official hashtag to be used is #InternationalTarotDay and you are free to share this on any social media. Post what you'll be doing on that day. As for me, there are lots of ideas that are bursting forth! I can't even decide what to do on that day. So I've opted to list them down.


  • Create your own spread specifically for the International Tarot Day.

  • Wear a shirt with International Tarot Day - July 8th on it.

  • Buy a new Tarot deck - this is a perfect reason to get another one!

  • Buy a new Tarot book - another perfect reason to get one!

  • Buy a new Tarot pouch bag - again, a perfect reason.

  • Take part in activities in your Tarot community.

  • Enroll in a Tarot course or workshop to deepen your knowledge with Tarot.

  • Get a Tarot Certification! I did!

  • Do a live Tarot Reading on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube.

  • Offer to provide discounts on your Tarot services.

  • Do an exchange reading online or with your fellow Tarot friends.

  • Do a July Tarot Challenge.

  • Host a Tarot live call within your Tarot community.

  • Offer free mini Tarot workshop or class on the day itself.

  • Take a selfie with your favorite Tarot deck/s.

  • Take a selfie with your favorite Tarot card.

  • Deepen your connection with your least favorite Tarot deck/s.

  • Deepen your connection with your least favorite card.

  • Perform a personalized Tarot ritual to celebrate the day.

  • Empower fellow Tarot readers by posting a Tarot tip or advice online.

  • Tell your favorite Tarot reader how much you love their work and them (without being totally creepy).

  • Blog your Tarot love affair!

Did you know that we also have a WORLD TAROT DAY that is being held every May 25th which was founded in 2003? If you don't know what to do on that you may refer to the list above. I just think it's really great to celebrate Tarot day twice a year.

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